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Fraternity, sorority house ordinance thrown out at city council meeting

Many people at a Greenville City Council meeting were happy to see an ordinance thrown out Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023.

The ordinance would make it easier for fraternities and sororities to move into homes on a stretch of Fifth Street.

More than 50 people showed up to the meeting and almost all of them were in opposition to the same ordinance that was removed at the start of the meeting.

The homes in question are mainly single-family homes along Fifth Street between Maple Street and Brownlea Drive.

One person in the community said he was happy to see the ordinance removed.

We never thought it was appropriate to have a fraternity or sorority in a single-family neighborhood and we are just delighted to see it pulled," Mauri York said.

York said he would be impacted by the ordinance and his neighborhood is essential to the city.

Full story here.

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